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时  间:12月17日9:00
地  点:705会议室,
报告人:Xiao-Dong Zhou
    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    University of South Carolina

报告题目1:Basic Energy Research: what do we know and where do we go from here – a personal perspective

In this presentation, I will describe my personal perspectives of the current status and future directions of the basic energy research. Emphasis will be placed on discussing conjugated physical properties in complex energy materials and systems, along with potential approaches to decouple these conjugations.

报告题目2:Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems for Power Generation

Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology has been under development for a broad range of power generation applications. The attractiveness of this technology is its efficient and clean production of electricity from a variety of fuels. The main features of the SOFC are all solid-state construction and high-temperature operation. The combination of these features leads to a number of unique characteristics and advantages for this type of fuel cell, including flexibility in cell and stack designs, manufacturing processes, and power plant sizes. In this presentation, I will discuss and summarize the SOFC's features and provides an overview of this technology's potential applications.

研究方向:The general objectives of Dr. Zhou's Laboratory for Electrodics and Ionics are to develop sustainable solutions to meet ever growing energy demand, and at the same time prevent or reverse the degradation of the environment. The research interests are in the area of fundamental multiscale physics and electrochemistry of materials and interfaces for energy systems, including fuel cells, thermoelectrics, photoelectrochemistry, capacitors, and batteries; opto-electronic materials; nanocrystalline electronic ceramics; biomass; and gas separation membranes for carbon capture.



联系人:靳鹏云  82547175